

I can train every day. Ride as if my life depended on it.

But, without the support I received last year nothing would have happened.

A local sportswear company LadySport, had me in to speak to their running group. Nuun Hydration tapped me as an ambassador and connected me with some lovely people who are passionate about achieving goals and redefining what they can do.

And, of course, friends and family.

”I’m going to ride my bike to San Francisco.”

I understand how insane that sounded. I really do. But loved ones took it in stride and supported me through the entire process. I missed birthdays and events, withdrew so I could focus on my training, and still, they offered me nothing but love and encouragement.

My mom sent out what seemed like endless emails to people she knew and was a major contributor to me being able to raise well over the $5000 I had originally aimed for. In total I raised over $20, 000. She picked up supplies I’d need and helped me gather all of the proper gear a cyclist needs.

My dad, who sent me money to get a bike. Yes, I decided to do this without even owning a bicycle (other than a fixie). He has been immensely proud of every accomplishment and has supported me throughout.

The Aujlas, who I work for, accepted me as family when I started with them and have been huge supporters of my schemes. It’s one thing to go on a vacation, but quite another to spend 8 months training non-stop and dealing with someone who’s mind is focused on a goal like this. Their never-ending positivity and support were huge parts of making this possible.

And, last but never the least, Alan.

I think the maximum number of hours we saw eachother each week eventually dwindled to under 5. I spent hours and hours at the gym on the stationary bike or riding out to whip around Richmond on the weekends. And still he supported me. He saw how important it was and knew I had to do it. During the ride he was a one man support crew. Anyone who has been support on any sort of thing like this knows how much this takes. Therapist, cheerleader, water and food, he handled everything I needed and made it all possible.

No event like this is done by just one person, it takes a tribe and a whole lot of encouragement to be able to complete.