
Fiercely intelligent, independent and strong, Katrina was my first role model.

Like most little sisters, I spent my childhood looking up to her and trying to tag along with whatever she was doing.

Katrina was smart. Crazy smart. Skipping a grade, she graduated High School at 16. She won an award for excellence in Science and went on to UBC’s prestigious Science One program.

Not only school-smart, Katrina had a quick wit. She was sarcastic and quick with a comeback, something she passed down to me, much to our parent’s chagrin.

Never ending Monty Python references and jokes, Katrina and I had a shorthand. She could finish my sentences and talk to me without saying anything at all.

Katrina forged her own path and I always loved that about her. She tried everything from sword fighting to jiu jitsu and eventually fell in love with weight lifting after having her son, Calvin.

Her relentless pursuit of the things she loved always inspired me and after some big changes in my own life I felt like she had paved the way for me to follow suit.